Poor sleep, as anyone who suffers from it knows, can make your life miserable. Those nights spent tossing and turning rob your body and mind of the rest they need to function properly. In addition to negatively impacting your energy levels, mood and productivity, they can also increase your risk of developing conditions like depression, high blood pressure and strokes. Our specialist practitioners can help you beat insomnia and get the full night of sleep you crave.
Insomnia is an inability to fall asleep or enjoy uninterrupted sleep. Individuals with insomnia may have persistent difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, and as a result, experience poor quality sleep that affects their day-to-day functioning when awake. Most adults have experienced insomnia or sleeplessness at some point in their lives. An estimated 30%-50% of the general population are affected by insomnia, and 10% have chronic insomnia. Insomnia can occur at any age but is particularly common in the elderly and is more common with people in lower socioeconomic groups, chronic alcoholics, and those suffering from other mental health issues.
Insomnia is generally classified based on the duration of the difficulties experienced. Symptoms lasting less than one week are classified as transient insomnia, symptoms between one to three weeks are classified as short-term insomnia, and those longer than three weeks are classified as chronic insomnia.
There are links between depression, anxiety, and insomnia. In order to properly treat and manage your insomnia, our practitioners will assist you to monitor and analyse your sleep patterns. Emotional issues including stress, anxiety and depression can cause insomnia. Our practitioners will work with you to help you understand how your daily routine and thought patterns affect your mood state, behaviours and sleep patterns.
Our therapists can help you by
- reviewing a thorough medical history.
- assessing whether you have experienced any trauma recently.
- discussing whether you are suffering from health problems or chronic pain.
- assessing your sleep environment.
- helping you develop a personalised health plan including a balanced routine with the right amounts of rest, exercise, sunlight and a balanced diet.
- teaching and practising relaxation and meditative techniques.
- facilitating discussions that improve insight into one’s personality factors that may increase stress, anxiety and other symptoms that contribute to insomnia.